Hashish, Part 2 : Dry sieving

Hashish, also known as “hash”, is a substance derived from the cannabis plant, more specifically the result of separating its glandular trichomes from therest of the plant matter. The history …

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Wanna, this is the most famous area of Waziristan, most of the tribes living here are refugees from Afghanistan. We left for Wanna and we got to see very scenic …

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The new European cannabis phase

1798: Napoleon Bonaparte lands in Alexandria with thirty thousand French soldiers and two thousand cannons. He defeats the Mamelukes’ army near the Pyramids, and conquers Cairo, all through one of …

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Strain Hunting in Lebanon 2019

The trip to Lebanon was fantastic. Lebanon is a great country and up to few years ago it was called the Switzerland of the Middle East where lots of rich …

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Cannabis in the Greek world

The Greek World In ancient Greece, hemp was probably already used in Dionysian rites and, as J.L. Brau says, everything suggests that it was also used in the Eleusinian liturgies …

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Northern Africa: Egypt and Morocco

Northern Africa: Egypt and Morocco A good example of cultural imperialism towards cannabis culture is provided by Napoleon, who during the Egyptian campaign published a proclamation in which he ordered …

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