Genetics: Iraqi
Province: Babylon
Sourced: American soldier in Iraq (2004)
Latitude: 32° N
Elevation: 34 m.a.s.l.
Sowing: February – March
Harvest: August – September
Height: 100 – 150 centimetres
Flowering: 9 -10 weeks
Yield: generous
Aromas: sweet and slightly fruity, almost candy like,syrupy,grapes
Taste: Earthy, spicy, hashy, diesel, coffee
Effects: calming, relaxing, sedative
Purpose: Hash (dry sieved) and grass
Characteristics: Purple-Black phenotypes, indica sativas leaves,conical shape
Grow type: outdoor, greenhouse, indoors


Seeds were collected by an American soldier stationed in Iraq during the 2004 war.
The city where the plants were growing lies near the Euphrates river. Probably but not sure from Turkish (or Iranian) genetics.

These seeds have been collected in situ in what appeared an obvious crop someone had tended. The seeds were collected by removing a few branches from interesting looking plants. They were collected in 2004, sprouted and kept pure and going until now.

These plants aid digestive distress and get things moving as effectively as coffee.
The taste is earthy and spicy but also hashy, diesel and some coffee.

Iraqi plants show both indica and sativa leaves. Some of them will display purple and almost black (more roasted coffee) colours, especially in cold night temperature. The plants usually take between 9 to 10 weeks to complete their flowering but some can be as quick as 8 weeks. Conical shape with short side branches

A generous yield is to be expected. It delivers a calming and relaxed effect and you’ll feel sedated after a while.

Comments and opinions of a grower and breeder on the Iraq plants:

Iraqi are the first landrace varieties to start showing their sex, and this is super early in the season… so looks like this Iraqi variety carries the semi-auto trait. These are still photosensitive plants that can be vegged longer if you add supplemental lighting, but once sexually mature, they will flower anytime of year when the light is under 18 hours per day (everywhere in the US besides Alaska). The cool thing with the semi-auto trait, is you can run up to 3 rounds outdoor per season under natural light. This also helps lock in early harvests in June-July, before fire season. You can do 3 outdoor harvest per year (or growing season) if you plan things ahead in a careful way.


I planted two seeds. Plants were ready on September 15. During growth and for only a few weeks some small leaves were black but at harvest none of the heads turned black, rather light green. You give a very good description on the website. The taste is earthy, spicy with hashy notes and a slight taste of coffee on the exhale. The effect is calm and there is a sedation. Very present an hour after smoking.