Rosin Hash


In the realm of cannabis extracts, Rosin Hash has gained significant popularity among enthusiasts over the past decade. Known for its potency, purity, and solventless nature, Rosin Hash offers a clean and flavorful experience for cannabis connoisseurs. Today we’re going to explore the world of this popular resin concentrate, discussing what it is, how it is made from both flowers and extracts, and the growing interest surrounding this extraction technique.


What is Rosin Hash?

Rosin Hash is a type of cannabis concentrate that is created through a solventless extraction process. It is highly regarded for its simplicity, as it requires no additional chemicals or solvents and the only thing needed is a press and some good plant material or extracts like hashish. The technique involves applying heat and pressure to cannabis flowers or extracts, which causes the resin glands (trichomes) to release their potent oils, which are then collected. The resulting product is a sticky, extremely aromatic substance with high cannabinoid and terpene content. The origins of Rosin Hash can be traced back to the early 2010s when it emerged as a solventless cannabis extraction technique. While the exact originator of Rosin Hash is debated, it is believed to have originated from the combination of existing extraction methods and advancements in technology.

The development of rosin hash was largely driven by the desire to create a pure, potent, and solvent-free cannabis concentrate. Prior to Rosin Hash, popular extraction methods involved the use of solvents like butane or CO2 to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis plant material. However, these methods raised concerns regarding the potential health risks associated with residual solvents in the final product. Rosin Hash offered a solventless alternative that appealed to both recreational and medical cannabis users. It provided a means to extract the desired compounds using heat and pressure, without the need for any additional solvents. This approach garnered attention for its simplicity, accessibility, and the ability to produce high-quality extracts in a relatively short period.

The exact timeline of the development of rosin hash is challenging to pinpoint due to its organic evolution within the cannabis community. It is believed that early experimentation with heat and pressure extraction methods occurred in small circles of cannabis enthusiasts and hobbyists bu using hair straighteners. These individuals sought to find alternative ways to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis flowers and extracts. The advent of rosin hash gained traction and recognition when individuals within the cannabis community began sharing their experiments and findings on social media platforms and online forums. This led to increased awareness and interest in the technique, sparking a broader movement of DIY rosin extraction.

As the popularity of rosin hash grew, entrepreneurs and companies within the cannabis industry started developing specialized equipment such as heat presses designed specifically for rosin extraction, pre-press molds and extraction bags. These tools allowed for more precise temperature control and pressure application, along with better filtering of the extract produced, enabling users to achieve higher yields and better quality Rosin. Without a doubt, the origins of Rosin Hash highlight the collaborative and innovative nature of the cannabis community. It emerged as a response to the demand for a safe, solventless extraction method that could produce high-quality cannabis concentrates. Through the collective efforts of cannabis enthusiasts, hobbyists, and entrepreneurs, rosin hash has become a widely recognized and respected extraction technique within the cannabis industry today.


How to Make Rosin Hash from Flowers:

To create rosin hash from flowers, you will need a few key tools: a hair straightener or Rosin Press (ideally), parchment paper, a collection tool (such as a dabber or scraping tool), rosin bags, and cannabis flowers of your choice. Follow these steps:

Selecting the Right Flowers:

Choose high-quality cannabis flowers that are rich in resin glands. The strain you choose will affect the flavor, aroma, and effects of your final rosin hash.

Preparing the Flowers:

Grind the flowers to a consistency that resembles coarse coffee grounds. This step allows for better heat and pressure distribution during extraction.

Applying Heat and Pressure:

Fill a rosin bag (between 73 and 220 microns) with your ground cannabis and place it between two pieces of parchment paper. Pre-heat the press to a low or medium temperature setting, around 110° C. Carefully position the parchment paper with the cannabis between the heated plates of the press.

Pressing the Cannabis:

Using firm and even pressure, squeeze the heated plates of the press together. Apply enough pressure to flatten the cannabis without causing it to spill out of the parchment paper.

Collecting the Rosin:

After applying pressure for around a minute, release it and remove the parchment paper from the press. Open the parchment paper to reveal the flattened rosin bag and the rosin that has been extracted. Use a collection tool to carefully scrape the rosin from the parchment paper.

Storing and Using Rosin Hash:

Collect the rosin and store it in an airtight container in a cool and dark place to preserve its freshness. Rosin hash can be consumed by dabbing, vaporizing, or adding it to a joint or bowl for an enhanced cannabis experience.


How to Make Rosin Hash from Extracts:

If you already have a cannabis extract such as hash, kief, or bubble hash, you can use these materials to make rosin hash. Here’s how:

Preparing the Extract:

Make sure that your cannabis extract is in a dry and powdery form. If needed, break down the extract into smaller pieces or grind it to enhance the surface area.

Applying Heat and Pressure:

Similar to the flower method, place a small amount of the extract in a rosin bag (25-45 microns) and place it between two pieces of parchment paper. Pre-heat the press plates to a low or medium temperature setting (65-100°C). Position the parchment paper with the bag between the heated plates of the straightener.

Pressing the Extract:

Apply firm and even pressure by squeezing the hair straightener plates together. The heat and pressure will cause the extract to melt and release its oils, which will be collected as rosin.

Collecting the Rosin:

After applying pressure for a few seconds, release it and remove the parchment paper from the press. Open the parchment paper to reveal the rosin that has been extracted. Use a collection tool to scrape the rosin from the parchment paper.


Storing and using Rosin Hash:

Store the rosin in an airtight container, keeping it in a cool and dark place to maintain its potency. Like flower-derived rosin hash, it can be enjoyed by dabbing, vaporizing, or adding it to a joint or bowl.

Rosin Hash has gained considerable recognition within the cannabis community due to its purity, potency and solventless extraction method. Whether made from cannabis flowers or extracts, this type of  concentrate offers enthusiasts a flavorful and concentrated experience. By following the techniques outlined in this article, you can embark on your own rosin hash-making journey and enjoy the benefits of this versatile cannabis concentrate! Remember to prioritize safety, quality, and responsible consumption while exploring the world of Rosin Hash!