Genetics: Laos landrace ganja
Dak Cheung district
Private donor
15° N
Regional harvest:
From late November through February
Flowering:  18-20 weeks in natural outdoor environment
exceeding 3 metres in natural outdoor environment
Yield: high
Effects: Long lasting, potent, euphoric, energizing, psychedelic
Sanguinaria (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
Taste: woody and citric
Phenos: 4
Grow type:
Outdoors, Greenhouse, Indoors (requires skill and experience)


Beautiful stylized sativa plant with great vigour, resistant to fungal pests and humidity.
The cycle is long like for most Thai lines both in their vegetative  and in their flowering stage, this is  something that characterizes these genetic lines. They  take their  time to create several  ” floors of branches ” in their vegetative stage which goes from 16 to 20 weeks of growing  in which they form a beautiful conical structure, spiky, very fine and stylized with wide internodal spaces of 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm in their main stems and branches;
Their foliage has an olive green colour, mostly three leaflets. The oldest leaves have 5 and 7 leaflets, they are very long and fine. Its branches, stems and leaves when rubbed emanate an almost disgusting sweet aroma.

The Flowering stage goes between  a minimum of 16 to 20 weeks. Its  floral structure is spiky and wheat-shaped, very airy, it forms a large and a very impressive main flower striking irregular buds of medium-sized and very resinous calyxes, wheat spike shape. The aroma of these buds is mainly like the one emanating from the Sanguinaria plant (Sanguinaria canadensis). There is no better example to compare it to the aroma of this sweet plant. It still keeps a soft citrus sweet background.

It has a very euphoric effect, long lasting and psychoactive, very good to enjoy a day of walking with your family and your friends without feeling any heaviness. You will feel highly energized in a natural way. It displays a more “wild” appearance compared to the other line from Laos (Champasak).