Genetics: Sumatra Aceh
Latitude: 5° S
Elvation: 3 to 100 m.a.s.l.
Aromas: citrus,chocolate,tangy,peppery,spicy,acidic,pungent,lemon hot chocolate,ammonia
Height: 2-3 metres (and more) if grown in the ground
Taste: woody,slightly earthy
Effects: trippy,creative,immaginartive,talkative,funny,appetite enhancer (food tastes better)
Yield: high
Sowing season: all year round in Sumatra
Harvest season: all year round in Sumatra
Grow type: outdoor,greenhouse,indoors


Aceh is a 100% pure variety originating in the equatorial region of Sumatra. Aceh is a 100% Sativa and generally considered to be indigenous to the region. You’ll be rewarded with an imposingly large specimen with considerable Sativa qualities. The effect most consumers report when sampling Aceh includes those focused on mental faculties like imagination, mood, and overall disposition.
It has also been widely reported to impart a euphoric feeling that grants consumers considerable energy and creativity. The strain is a pure Sativa. As a result, its flavors and aromas include tropical and woody accents along with citrus and earthy notes. For those who are intent on growing Aceh, it’s reputed to be a tall and lanky plant



These Sumatra plants started flowering a few weeks ago (September), and they are progressing quickly… looking like mid-November 2023 they may be close to ripe. Very cool plants from a very different climate, lighting  and environment – but they are adapting well on their first run in California! Sumatra has an incredibly unique nose. Smells like lemon infused hot chocolate with a little ammonia punch. The buds are open, foxtaily, but covered in crystal. The vibe is jungly and electric.